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MEETING FOR STRENGTHENING SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Today, a meeting aimed at strengthening scientific activities was held at the Sadriddin Ayni Tajik State Pedagogical University under the leadership of the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Rajabzoda Sirojiddin. The meeting was attended by the deans of the faculties of natural sciences and mathematical sciences, department heads, vice-deans for scientific work, the head of the science department, and its staff. During the meeting, Rajabzoda Sirojiddin emphasized that one of the key aspects of the university’s daily activities is conducting scientific research. To strengthen this work, more attention must be given to this area.
To this end, the meeting discussed various issues, including preparing a long-term plan for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations by faculty members, increasing the number of primary patents, preparing students for national and international competitions and Olympiads such as "Science – the Light of Knowledge," "Young Researcher and Inventor," and "Magister of the Year," preparing and publishing monographs and textbooks, increasing the number of publications in international databases such as Web of Science and SCOPUS, improving the work of master’s and doctoral students (PhD) and increasing their numbers, nominating deserving faculty members for the Ismaili Somoni State Prize, strengthening the implementation of government programs and strategies, and establishing joint councils.
At the end of the meeting, responsible individuals were instructed to improve and strengthen the work in the field of science to achieve greater success. All participants of the meeting emphasized the importance of a systematic approach and the active involvement of all scientific departments of the university in efforts to enhance the scientific environment. It was suggested to establish closer cooperation with other research institutions and universities, as well as actively participate in international projects and initiatives. Special attention was also given to the need for enhancing the qualifications of faculty members, stimulating their research interests, and implementing innovative teaching methods into the educational process. As a result, the participants expressed confidence that such initiatives will contribute to strengthening the scientific potential of the university and improving the quality of education.