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At the Tajik State Pedagogical University named after Sadriddin Ayni, a scientific-practical conference was held dedicated to the Presidential Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the esteemed Emomali Rahmon, delivered in the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The conference was attended by the university leadership, a wide range of professors, teachers, staff, graduate students, applicants, and students, as well as representatives from the Tajik National University, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan,
and the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in the Ismoili Somoni district, who presented reports.
The Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of the university, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Rajabzoda Sirojiddin Ikrom, in his speech, noted that the leader of the nation, the esteemed Emomali Rahmon, annually pays special attention to the field of science and education in his messages, as he has declared them a priority area and an essential factor in strengthening state governance and saving the nation. Indeed, education, as one of the most important social institutions, has attracted the growing attention of the global community. The way out of economic and social crises, as well as political and cultural problems that can lead to negative consequences, directly depends on a developed and comprehensive system of education and science.
Continuing the conference, the following speakers presented reports: Silmon Mavlonazarov - scientific staff member, professor at the Institute of Political Processes, Diplomacy, and Globalization of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, on the topic "The Use of Digital Technologies in the Modern World"; Aminov Fayzali - candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor at Tajik National University, on the topic "The Humane Appointment and High Status of a Person in the Message"; Kurbonzoda Ubaidullo - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in the Ismoili Somoni district, on the topic "The Message – Our Path to a Worthy Life"; Gafforzoda Jonona Gaffor - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, on the topic "The Place of Women in the Leader of the Nation's Message."
It was noted that in this year's Message of the Head of State, as in previous ones, all areas of the country's economic and social life were thoroughly examined, and plans for the current year and several years ahead were outlined.

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Full name: Tajik State Pedagogical University named after Sadriddin Aini.Address: 734003, Dushanbe City, 121, Rudaki Avenue.
Telephone: +992(37) 224-13-83
WWW: www.tgpu.tj E-mail: info@tgpu.tj