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After gaining independence, the Republic of Tajikistan has entered a new stage of historical development - the establishment of a sovereign, democratic, law-based, secular, unified and social state. In order to strengthen national unity and complete peace and stability in the country, it mobilizes all spheres of state and public life. Independence is the highest and most valuable achievement of the Tajik crown state and nation, which happened 31 years ago, the most important historical event in the fate of the Tajik nation. This joyful event took place at the beginning of September 1991, and September 9 was officially recognized as the State Independence Day of the Republic of Tajikistan. From that time until today, this auspicious date is considered a holy holiday for the Tajik nation. Independence brought this great gift, light and intelligence, love and loyalty, prosperity and freedom, harmony and coexistence, and peace and eternity to the great Tajik people and dear Tajikistan.

The era of independence created a real opportunity for us to choose the path of the present and future of the nation and the further progress of our dear and beloved Tajiks towards a democratic, law-based and secular society. Independence for us is the highest symbol of the Motherland and patriotism, the greatest gift of statehood and independent statehood, continuous efforts, creativity, determination and selfless efforts to achieve political, economic and cultural independence, to strengthen the standards of civil society and at the same time the free life of every individual and the highest level of happiness ensured the true happiness of the nation. Today, all residents of the dear and beloved Tajikistan are proud of the fact that thirty-one years ago, we laid the first bricks of the foundation of our real independence and national statehood, and thanks to independence, we got the state symbols - Flag, Emblem and National Anthem. In this reopened way, the leader of the nation in the history of 30 years of independence, through his intelligence, determination, grace and knowledge, high sense of patriotism and patriotism in the light of the teachings of the past, gave new life to the fundamental national values, connected the history of the nation to the world civilization and recognized its truth.

So, it has been 31 years since Tajikistan was recognized as a post-independence country in the world arena. Since the day of recognition as an independent state, the Republic of Tajikistan has made significant progress. A lot of work has been done under the leadership of the Founder of National Peace and Unity - Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon.

In particular, a lot of work is being done to realize the four strategic goals of the country, including getting Tajikistan out of communication isolation, gaining energy independence, ensuring food security and rapid industrialization of the country. According to the information of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan, since 2000, through investment projects on the construction and renovation of transport infrastructure, the highways Murgob - Kulma, Shahon - Zighar (stages 1, 2, 3), Shkev - Zighar, Dushanbe - Bokhtar - Dangara - Kulob, Dosti - Panji Poyon (stages 1 and 2), Dushanbe - the border of Kyrgyzstan (stages 1, 2, 3), Dushanbe - Chanak - the border of Uzbekistan, Bokhtar - Dosti (stages 1, 2), Dushanbe - Dangara (stages 1, 2, 3) , Dushanbe - Tursunzoda - border of Uzbekistan, Aini - Panjakent - border of Uzbekistan, Rasht - Navobod, bridges over Surkhob river (Yangoliq village of Rasht district), Surkhsangov river (Vanj district), international bridges between Tajikistan and Afghanistan (Ishkoshim, Darvoz, Vanj, Shuroobod, Panji Poyon districts, Khorug city, Istiklol, Azodi, Dosti tunnels ", "Shahriston", "Khatlon" and others were completely repaired and renovated.

Thus, in the years of independence, with the construction, renovation and reconstruction of more than 2000 km of roads, 200 bridges, 5 tunnels with a length of 31 km, 21 anti-avalanche corridors with a length of 3440 m/t, the republic achieved one of its strategic goals - getting rid of the communication.  The Republic of Tajikistan has achieved a lot of success in achieving energy independence in the period of 2013-2020, and large facilities such as "Sangtuda Hydropower Plant - 2" with a capacity of 220 MW, "Dushanbe Power and Heating Center - 2" first stage with a capacity of 100 MW , the second stage of the "Dushanbe Power and Heating Center - 2" with a capacity of 300 megawatts of electricity and 167 gigacalories of heat was put into use. In 2018, the first unit of the Rogun NPO and in 2019 the second unit of the Rogun NPO were put into operation. At the same time, small hydropower plants, 16 of which have a capacity of 11.4 MW, are under the control of "Barqi Tajik" and were put into operation. It was these constructive initiatives that today the noble people of our country have been freed from energy problems, and along with domestic supply, we also provide electricity to needy neighbors.

The founder of national peace and unity, leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, says: "In recent years, a series of dangerous trends in the world, such as the threat of international terrorism, extremism, illegal circulation of drugs, arms trafficking, and the activities of transnational criminal groups, are gaining strength, these can have an adverse effect on the peace and stability of the region and the state security of individual countries." Therefore, it is necessary for us not to lose our political intelligence, to prevent the danger of these undesirable movements from decreasing, and to contribute to the progress of our dear motherland.

It is also permissible to express that weapons, power, strength and capital have no value, when there is no place for self-knowledge, unity and mutual understanding in society. The fate and destiny of every state and nation is tied to its leaders and their children. The leader of the nation, respected Emomali Rahmon, spoke from the high platform of the United Nations about the growing movement of terrorism and international extremism. Emomali Rahmon, who himself was a witness to the civil war of his nation, did not want any country in the world to get involved in this war. Declaring terrorism and extremism as the scourge of the century, he proposed the unity of all the countries of the world to fight against it. The founder of Tajik peace, Emomali Rahmon, gave all this as an example of our neighboring country, our friend and brother - Afghanistan, and explained its current situation to the members of this organization. If we cannot get rid of terrorism and extremism, this plague of the century will trap us. Of course, this proposal of the leader of our nation was very timely. Because in the country of Afghanistan, which is our friend and neighbor, the situation is getting worse day by day. New terrorist and extremist groups are emerging in the world and they are harming every peaceful country.

Therefore, every conscious and educated individual of the society, especially the youth, who make up the main part of the society, should not be deceived by this false opinion of invisible political figures, in the youth, a high sense of nationalism, a sense of self-awareness and patriotism, strong morals, patience and tolerance, education modern science and knowledge, professions, seriousness, hard work and respect for the rule of law should be formed. They should be in search of training, development and enrichment of their moral, legal and political knowledge in order to be a foundation in strengthening the complete political stability of dear Tajikistan.

Because the stability of the security of Tajikistan, the stability of Tajikistan's position at the world level, and the security and tranquility of the state borders of the Republic of Tajikistan are important and key values ​​for each of us.


Gulomov Naimjon Khairiloevich, teacher of the chair of English teaching methodology


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