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Annual on 5th October Tajik people celebrate the State Language Day. The national language which is the basis of the national identity and the main factor of its protection preserves the knowledge and enlightenment accumulated by the Tajik people for thousands years, and the most proof of the existence and life giving status of the nation. Therefore, care and appreciation of it and compliance with the standards of literary language in writing and speech in the conditions of increasing globalization is the necessity of time.

The role of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon is unique in the direction of the protection, sustainability and promotion of the status of the Tajik language. The national language is the main foundation of the formation of the national state, because the language of the nation is a symbol of identity of native speakers and authentication of the nation. In Tajikistan alone with achievement of the national and cultural independence, the State Language Day and the State Language Law established by the decision of the Government and the decision of the Assembly of Representative of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic. The position of the national language in the period of independence was stable and feud from pressure, restriction and oppression. Article 5 of the law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the State language” says, “The State language is used all spheres of political, social, economic, scientific and cultural life of the country”.

Since 1989, several laws adopted on the development, stability and implementation of the State language:  Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the State Language” (October 5, 2009). The State language Development program for 2020-2030 (November 28, 2020).

Currently, Tajik language is the State language at all levels of secondary and higher education.

In order to bring Tajik language to the level of scientific language and to express the scientific content correctly and accurately, a large number of explanatory and descriptive dictionaries have created and published within the thirty-one year of the Independence. For the first time the National Profile of the Tajik Defense Council have been established a lot of scientific theses are written and defended in Tajik.

Language is the intellectual, spiritual and cultural treasure of the people and nation. Moreover, Tajik nation have accumulated this priceless value over thousands of years in order to preserve their identity, spiritual and cultural resources and intellectual experience. In addition, it has increased in their creativity and art to present.  Defending protect the originality of the language is the duty of every Tajik.

The persistence of nation is denoted steady relation of language, but not always, the native speakers pay attention to the risks, that cause, will make it weakness and instability or they usually irresponsible about this issue. To keep the language pure is one of the important assignment of national culture. Unfortunately, nowadays the unpleasant speech reached all sections of our society and it somehow becomes commonplace and it impacts to our magnificent culture. In the streets and trading centers, at meetings and clubs we can see how various sections of society’s speech differs. Where does all of this impudent and rudeness is speech come from? Undoubtedly, it recently shows reduce of our culture. Therefore, we have to undertake all indispensable necessary measures in order to anticipate the manifestations.

According to our point of view, another extremely important issue in the process of globalization is the protection of purred native language from effect of informal speech.

The nation language is basic element of national mentality. Home environment, upbringing of children should take place within the framework of traditions established over countries. In particular, love for the national language begins in the home environment. A person acquires all basic knowledge through his native language, therefore children of a Tajik mother should be familiar with the poems of Rudaki and the epoch of Firdausi’s “Shohnoma”, the works of Mavlono’, Sa’di  and Hafiz and other Tajik and Persian writers and philosophers in order to have the national intelligence and national culture, they should really love this language and value it.

Juraboyeva Rayhona, the teachers of Theory of translation and stylistic chair of English and Eastern languages faculty.

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