Кафедрахо 54 |
CHAIR OF LINGUISTICS AND COMPARATIVE TYPOLOGY The Chair of English Language and Comparative Typology, one of the oldest chair s of the faculty, was founded in 1974, during the course of its activities it graduated the best specialists in the field of English and comparative linguistics. This chair graduated the first doctors and professors in the field of comparative historical, typological and comparative linguistics, for example P. Dzhamshedov, R. Ubaidulloev, V.D. Gogoshidze, A. Sobirov, M. Dzhalilova, S. Ya Balkhova and graduated more than 20 scientists PhD in this field. In the seventies, a group of members of the chair (P. Dzhamshedov, V.D. Gogoshidze, S. Ya Balkhova, M. Eshonkhujaeva, M.Kh. Umedkonova) tackled the problems of learning - comparative morphology and syntax of Tajik, English and Russian languages. In a short time, these members of the chair defended their scientific work on various topics. In the eighties, the number of members of the chair increased, and reached over 40 people. P. Dzhamshedov, V.D. Gogoshidze, S. Ya Balkhova, and Yakovlev I. were in this group. All members of the chair under the leadership of the head of the chair P. Dzhamshedov, V.D. Gogoshidze, and Sh. Mukhtorov taught in different studies from different chair s of linguistics, comparative linguistics and lexicology. It is worth considering that all these teachers compared their doctoral dissertations in this chair , which really is an occasion of honor for the chair . In the early 80s to 2001, the head of the chair was Jamshedov Parvona. In subsequent years, to improve the quality of teaching, the chair published a number of books, instructions and articles. From 2000-2008, the chair was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences S. Avgonov. From June 2008 till 2021 the head of the chair was the doctor of philological sciences, Professor S. Jamatov. It was during his leadership that the chair achieved scientific methodological achievements such as the preparation and publication of a number of training programs.
The present head of the chair is the candidate of philological sciences Aslamov H.A. He has been in this position since September 2021.
To date, the chair has 14 teachers. Of these teachers, three are doctors of philological sciences, professor, three candidates of sciences, 3 senior lecturers, 5 assistants work at the chair .
Specialists carry out scientific research work from one scientific area “Learning Comparative Languages at the Present Time” and two tasks: “The Problem of Lexicology in English” and “Research on the Grammar Problem”.
The chair has relations with foreign universities, including universities in the UK, Pakistan, India, Turkey and America. A lot of effort has been put into compiled curricula by teachers. In the Center of the Council of the University of Britain with the participation of teachers of the chair and linguists once a month, they hold a round table, meetings and seminaries.